13 October, 2020

Derventio signs up to the UK Housing Data Standard

A warm welcome to Derventio, who have signed up to support the development of the resident feedback and complaints data standard.

“Derventio Housing Trust is firmly committed to improving our supported housing all the time, in line with our core value that people DO matter. We work hard at listening to the people we work alongside through an annual survey which is sent to everyone, looking at complaints we receive, and by staff listening to what people tell them. We want to improve ourselves, and we want to contribute to this vital Data Standard. By helping to develop the Data Standard, we aim to make it inclusive of people living in supported accommodation, not just people in a permanent home.

Jackie Carpenter

Assistant Director of Strategy

For further information about how you can get involved with the resident feedback and customer complaints data standard, please contact Billy Holt.

Let's talk

If you have a question, query or idea, we’d love to hear from you. Contact HACT Market Insight Lead, Billy Holt.

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