Your journey to net zero

Across the sector, organisations are developing strategies and plans to deliver on their commitment towards net zero carbon.

The scale of the challenge is immense. Our focus is on supporting the sector with our expertise, for both its short-term needs and longer-term objectives.

Start the net zero conversation

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Retrofit Credits

Award winning Retrofit Credits is a carbon credits programme that unlocks additional funding into housing retrofit by verifying the emission reductions and social value of retrofit projects. Uniquely incorporating social value, and built on and ethical framework, all credits are Verified Carbon Standard

Get your data right

Data is the starting point for our journey to net zero carbon. Join us in developing version 3.5 of the UK Housing Data Standards focusing on environmental data. The UK Housing Data Standards are the foundation for organisations looking to improve data governance and quality.

UK Social Value Bank

Use the new social value bank to inform and monitor your net zero strategy and to measure its social impact. In 2022, we will be releasing the first ever suite of environmental values, as part of our social value roadmap.

Will the investment in sustainable homes deliver sustainable communities?

That’s the question we’re asking our colleagues and partners across the social housing sector.

If you’ve got a viewpoint on this or want to support us in finding an answer, get in touch with
Michael McLaughlin, Digital Lead

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