Integrated Care Systems Training

Strengthen your understanding of Integrated Care Systems, be introduced to how they operate and discover how best to engage and be a partner to the health sector.

This online, half-day training session, delivered by HACT Chief Executive Andrew van Doorn (OBE), and Peter Molyneux, Chair, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust is ideal for housing association colleagues who are looking to gain and improve their knowledge of Integrated Care Systems, as well as topics that are relevant to strengthening the connection between health and housing.

What topics does the training cover?

This half day training gives you a comprehensive introduction to Integrated Care Systems

  • An overview the context, theory and function of Integrated Care Systems
  • An explanation of current policy and operational landscape
  • The role of provider collaborations
  • An understanding of Population Health Management (PHM)
  • An introduction to health inequalities that will help you be more aware of the potential risks that could apply to your residents
  • An understanding of what are Anchor Institutions and how they can benefit you and your community
Enquire about ICS training

What are the benefits?

This online development session will help housing associations engage with Integrated Care Systems in the NHS.

  • Strengthen their understanding of how to engage with their local Integrated Care Systems
  • Build awareness of the competencies needed to deliver within a healthcare setting;
  • Identify partnering opportunities with health;
  • Describe and refine their offer to NHS providers and commissioners;
  • Build their credibility as potential partners with the health sector.

An opportunity for housing

The last two years have seen an acceleration in integrated working across the NHS and between the NHS and community partners. Significant amounts of care have been moved online, and stronger relationships between health, care, housing and community services have been forged through the he pressures on health services.

Housing associations have always played a significant role in supporting the health and well-being of residents and communities. As new collaborations come together, they need to be bold in demonstrating their contribution and value.

Got a question or query?

Get in touch

Want to find out more about housing and heatlh?

If you’ve got a question, query, or idea, we’d love to hear from you!

Contact Andrew van Doorn
HACT Chief Executive

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