Housing and health services

The benefits of a closer collaboration between social housing and the NHS are clear. The provision of appropriate housing can help reduce hospital admissions, help prevent readmissions and  allow for care provision and support in homes and communities.  The question is how they can increase integration between health and housing to help maximise these opportunities?  We’re here to support the sector in meeting this challenge.

Find out how we can help you collaborate with the health sector

Get in touch

“People have a right to a home within their community,
able to develop and maintain relationships,
and get the support they need to live healthy, safe and rewarding lives”

How we can help

Research and evidence

We can deliver the evidence you need to understand and measure the impact of your health-related service, as well as identify best practice and opportunities for service improvement.

We've recently conducted an evaluation and provided key recommendations for future progression of a social prescribing service provided by a housing association in the Midlands, whg, who implemented a new health and wellbeing strategy focusing on reducing the impact of loneliness and isolation, the impact of poverty on children and families and improving the health and wellbeing of customers.


Understanding how the NHS works and how to engage with your local health sector colleagues, as well as identifying partnering opportunities with health, is key to the success of partnership working.

We have developed a specific Integrated Care Systems development programme aimed at housing professionals looking to work within ICS programmes. We can also create bespoke training tailored to the needs of your organisation.

Diagnostic reviews

Sometimes, the first place to start is to understand what you have and what you need to deliver the strategy you need to maximise your interface with health, so you can support the NHS as it delivers on its local health outcomes. This is where we can help.

Here's an example of how we can help you connect.

Health & Housing Integrated Care Programme with the Black Country NHS ICB, whg and HACT

A showcase of the innovative collaboration across the Black Country, between the NHS Black Country Integrated Care Board, whg, a housing association in the Midlands, and additional local Housing Associations, on a programme of work curated by HACT, to look at how health and housing can come together for the benefit and improvement of the health and lives of individuals in the area.

The work we do to bring together the Health and Housing worlds is so important. HACT are in a unique position to help strengthen these relationships and develop collaboration between the sectors – take a look at how we’ve supported some organisations in their work.

The H factor: An evaluation of the social prescribing service at whg

Innovations in social prescribing: The role of housing

Health & Housing: Creating a blueprint for a new way of working

Let's talk

If you have a question, query or idea, we’d love to hear from you.

Start the conversation by getting in touch
Andrew van Doorn, Chief Executive

Get in touch