Social Value
Audit and Certification

Giving you the evidence to confidently demonstrate and communicate the robustness of your Social Value approach to your stakeholders.

Demonstrating the impact you make, and committing to continuously improve the amount of value you are creating, can only happen if you understand and have the insight of the practices you are implementing.

HACT’s expertise in audit and certification of these practices will gives your stakeholders the confidence that your social value figures add up. We check your data and recommend improvements to the way you measure social value moving forward.


Speak to our social value experts about gaining certification

Get in touch

Why gain certification?

Being able to gain a solid understanding of your social value practice’s, the processes you use and the application across your organisation is a key part of your overall strategy.

Auditing your social value practices and gaining certification allows you to:

  • demonstrate that you are implementing robust systems and practises
  • give stakeholders confidence that you can chart a clear path for improving the way you measure and manage your social value.
  • make informed decisions that can be built into your strategy
  • support in demonstrating your value to external funders and investors
  • understand your true impact and identify further opportunity for wider application to maximise the value you create

How does it work?

We understand that you work hard to deliver social value within your organisation and through your projects, so we make sure we listen and work with you to look at how you measure, monitor and maxmise your impact and help you understand how to deliver even more going forward.


We begin by accessing your data, either through your systems, or via your Social Value Insight account, and take the time talk to you and your colleagues to gain a full understanding.


Next we complete the audit, rating against an extensive and robust set of criteria, reviewing your practices and your application of your measures and calculations.


Finally we complete report and include our observations and recommendations - providing you with the HACT stamp of approval with your certification.

What you'll get

You’ll have the full narrative to be able to tell your Social Value story and demonstrate the impact you make.

You’ll receive:

  • A full audit report showing the review of your approach to measuring social value and your social value calculations
  • Detailed recommendations on how to continuously move forward in further demonstrating your impact
  • The HACT stamp of approval and certification


The importance of social value assurance

This paper sets out the steps to demonstrate commitment to assurance, the sector can demonstrate that it supports the view that social value can deliver long-term transformational impact within our communities, at a time when it is needed more than ever.

PUBLISHED: June 2024


Book your audit and certification

Dr Frances Harkin and her team are
ready to make a start.