7 January, 2019

Building for our Future: A Vision for Social Housing

Published by Shelter, January 2019

This is the landmark report from housing and homeless charity Shelter’s commission on the future of social housing.

In January 2018, Shelter brought together 16 commissioners from across the political spectrum, different backgrounds and different perspectives, as a response to the call for a wider debate on the broader issues of housing policy raised by the Grenfell Tower fire. The report, a culmination of their research, calls on the government to deliver a historic renewal of social housing, with a 20-year programme to deliver 3.1 million more social homes.

Publication download

Building for our Future: A Vision for Social Housing

PUBLISHED: January 2019

AUTHORS: Shelter

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If you would like to discuss HACT’s work in social value, get in touch with Head of Services Frances Harkin

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