23 April, 2021

Keeping it local: a report

HACT have worked with Town & Country Housing and Clarion Futures, the charitable foundation of Clarion Housing Group, to produce a report into the role of place-based partnership working in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, with a focus on employment support.

Our report Keeping it Local captures how Town & Country Housing and Clarion Futures collaborated alongside each other and with local organisations during the pandemic, particularly to address the employment and training needs of their residents.


Through interviews with frontline and community investment staff at both housing organisations this report identifies several themes key to the successful delivery of employment support, including flexible delivery, building resilience, partnership working and working locally.

“This report provides the sector with an important case study on the benefits of place-based partnership working. Its learnings can be used to make a case for future investment in employment services, as well as inform the design of more sustainable employment-focused interventions.”

Frances Harkin

Head of Research at HACT

These are the key findings of the report Keeping it local that HACT published today.

“We are delighted to have been part of this important research project that highlights the vital role high-quality employment support and collaboration can play as communities recover from the pandemic. Our services are more in demand than ever as our residents are facing new and complex challenges and we look forward to continuing to work closely with our valued partners to support people into employment and apprenticeships and help build skills and resilience.”

Victoria Whittle

Head of Jobs & Training at Clarion Futures

“We hopefully will never face the same challenges as we have over the last year. For all of us involved in the research the space to reflect and record was so valuable on a personal & and professional level. Our partnership with the local VCS were crucial in being able to adapt and support residents from crisis to recovery. This work will continue to grow, deepen and strengthen.”

Jackie Summer

Head of Community Investment at Town & Country Housing

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