26 November, 2020

Defining and understanding resilience

We’re delighted to announce that we have signed up to our resilience research initiative.

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought the issue of resilience in social housing to the fore, for our residents, as well as the communities in which we operate. This research project will develop a framework to understand and measure resilience in social housing.

“Resilience has always been important, but this has been brought into sharp focus as a result of the global pandemic. Businesses, communities and individuals are being tested in ways not seen for a long time. As a social housing provider and an anchor institution, we have responded to the pandemic by stepping up significantly our support to customers.

Fay Shanahan

whg’s Corporate Director of Operations

Fay continued:

“This has been very well received, but we’re not out of the woods yet. To sustain tenancies and prevent evictions in the longer term, we are focussed on building the resilience of our customers and communities. We are therefore really pleased to be part of this important HACT research initiative.”

The first phase of the research initiative will run from December 2020 – March 2021. It will involve qualitative engagement with the sector to understand how stakeholders interpret and understand resilience in social housing, as well as a review of relevant literature, before developing a framework for measuring resilience.

The second phase will run from March – July 2021. It will involve partners testing the framework, building capability and enhance their data collection processes. The initiative will conclude by creating recommendations for applying and implementing the framework.

To find out more about the resilience project, please contact Dr Frances Harkin, Head of Research at HACT.

[notes to editors]

Further information about the initiative.

HACT has a long and established track record of pioneering research initiatives with social housing organisations.

More recently, we have examined the response of PlaceShapers members to the Covid-19 pandemic, ran a two-year RCT programme for the social housing sector with the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and evaluated operating models, community initiatives and social value frameworks.

The UK Social Value Bank, created by HACT and Simetrica-Jacobs, is the social housing sector’s social value measurement tool of choice. We will also consider how it can incorporated into this research initiative.

For further information about this press release, please contact Matthew Grenier on 07914 083337,

or email him: communications@hact.org.uk

Let's talk

If you have a question, query or idea about the resilience project, we’d love you hear from you. Contact HACT Head of Research, Frances Harkin.

Get in touch