7 December, 2020

A framework to optimise resident feedback

In collaboration with Network Homes, HACT has developed a framework that will enable social housing organisations to optimise resident feedback.

“The framework will help social housing organisations re-align feedback as a tool that delivers on their responsibility to their residents and transparently demonstrates to the regulator that they are meeting and exceeding standards,”

Rob Wray

Chief Innovation Officer, HACT

The five-stage framework has been developed following extensive research into existing resident feedback processes used across the social housing sector and is included in our report, Optimising Resident Feedback, which is published today.

“Flexibility is the key strength of this framework, in that it allows very different social landlords – by strategic objectives or geographical focus, for instance – to review their approach to measuring resident feedback whilst retaining the ability to properly apply the recommendations to their specific circumstances.

In the context of a changing relationship with our residents, as we navigate through the coronavirus crisis, and following the publication of the Social Housing White Paper, we hope the framework will serve as a valuable tool to put resident feedback to more meaningful operational use,”

Fabio Miccoli

Research and Policy Analyst at Network Homes

The report backs up the White Paper’s assertion that the sector needs a new set of customer satisfaction metrics to measure the things that matter to residents.

There is a window of opportunity for the sector to collaborate and work with residents and the Regulator to develop metrics to ensure the resident voice is at the heart of decision-making.”

Rob Wray

Chief Innovation Officer, HACT

The framework for resident feedback consists of five stages:

  1. Why are you collecting resident feedback?
  2. Who are you collecting feedback from?
  3. How are you collecting resident feedback?
  4. Which metrics are you using?
  5. What are you doing with resident feedback once you’ve collected it?

We are now working with social housing organisations to test their resident feedback processes against this framework.

“The response of social housing organisations to the Covid-19 pandemic and their engagement with their residents provides an unprecedented opportunity.

This framework lays the basis for them to build on that engagement and implement a resident feedback model that has the experience of residents – and their voice – at the heart of the business of social housing.”

Rob Wray

Chief Innovation Officer, HACT

In January 2021, HACT will be hosting a webinar to discuss the five stages of the framework in, with particular focus around the use of resident sentiment analysis and how we can collaborate around a new set of customer satisfaction metrics.

We are also developing data standards around resident feedback and customer complaints: to find out more please contact Billy Holt.

The report can be downloaded from the HACT website.

[notes to editors]

The report was commissioned by Network Homes at the end of 2019. It is based on the findings from:

The five stages of the framework are:

  1. Why are you collecting resident feedback? To use feedback to improve your services you need an organisational culture that values ongoing resident feedback. You also require resourcing not only in terms of the number of staff, but also staff with the relevant skills to analyse and apply the findings to the business.
  2. Who are you collecting feedback from? You collect feedback primarily from your residents, but inaccurate and outdated data about residents results in misinformed business decisions. You can resolve this through resident profiles, resident journey mapping and data standards.
  3. How are you collecting resident feedback? Different types of surveys can provide useful insights about your residents. The challenge is how you make every contact count. Resident sentiment analysis is one tool that can facilitate this process, although we need to create a new taxonomy for it based on the experience of social housing residents.
  4. Which metrics do you need to use? The metrics you use should be able to reflect the different shapes and sizes, focuses and priorities of every housing association. Concerns about the metrics currently used in the sector are well known. We need to develop a new set of metrics that cover the breadth of social housing’s activities.
  5. What are you doing with resident feedback? Instead of benchmarking, shift your focus onto your residents and create a virtuous circle of feedback: you provide a service, they respond, you improve, you tell them how you’ve improved the service, they respond, and so on.

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