Tuesday 23 April — Wednesday 24 April
09:15 — 15:00
Past Event

HACT and NHC social value conference 2024

Thank you to everyone who attended our 2 day social value conference and of course, A huge thank you to our partner Northern Housing Consortium to our sponsor Sovereign Network Group

With 8 sessions over two days, it was our biggest and best conference yet, but don’t worry if you missed it, we have all the sessions to rewatch below along with all the resources mentioned throughout the conference.

“Today was really about how do we inspire, and how do we deliver a just future? And this really struck a chord with me, because this is all about inspiration.

This is all about believing that we can be different. And this is also about hope. At the moment in the work that we do, in our communities, we’ve got to hold on to that hope. We’ve got to engage with tenants and communities, in the things that actually make them feel hopeful.”

Andrew van Doorn OBE

What's next?

Whether you are just starting out, looking at a culture change or expanding your local impact, our team of experts are available for a quick chat to propose the best next steps for your needs. Get in touch and arrange a time that suits you for an initial 15 minute free consultation.

Get in touch

Useful resources

Access all the resources referenced during the conference. If you need any help with implementing any of the learnings you can always contact our social value team. 

Built Environment Bank

Be the first to know when the new suite of values are available and how to get involved.

Social Value Assurance White Paper launch

Register for our upcoming webinar to launch a Social Value Assurance White Paper, or to be the first to access.

Book a demo

If you are yet to see our Social Value Insight tool in action then now is the perfect time, we can also share our latest tool Local Data Insight and how they can work together to help you deliver your goals.

Peabody case study

We spoke with Peabody’s Head of Strategic Partnerships and Funding Andrea Purslow, and their Social Value Lead Corin Menuge about using HACT’s person-centred approach to better understand and quantify the social impact of their procurement activities.

Procurement guidance

Some of the most common questions we hear when considering social value in procurement

ResiLink Roundtable

Open to housing associations - a great opportunity to learn more about our latest initiative in resident engagement!

Day 1 session recordings

All the sessions are available to watch again and presentations are available to download. If you have any questions or comments from the conference, please get in touch. 

Social value at the crossroads: the challenges, opportunities, the way forward

The panel consider the challenges, opportunities and way forward for social value, sharing insights about current policy and business drivers to social value creation.

The session is chaired by Andrew Cooper, SNG

Speakers include Mary-Kathryn Adams, Simetrica-Jacobs, Graham Edgell, Morgan Sindell Group, Rod Brasington, Prosper & Alistair Merchant, Consortium Procurement.

You can view Rod Brasington’s presentation here

Maximising social value: how we can go beyond ticking the box

Delivering meaningful social value has the potential to create lasting transformational change in our communities, from procurement, strategic planning, regeneration and beyond.

Chaired by Connie Jennings, whg

Presentations from:

Corin Menuge, Peabody

Tom Beardmore, Mount Anvil

Angela Corner, Thirteen Group

The importance of evidence: moving towards a social value assurance framework

Hear how better assurance of impact metrics and reporting is required to drive this forward.

Chaired by Michael McLaughlin, HACT

Presentations from:

William Hughes, Mazars

Anna Haskins, The Good Economy

Deborah Williams, SNG

Changing the culture: How to make the case internally for social value

Challenges and good practice examples of how to bring deliver internal cultural change around social value, as well as how to persuade management and operational staff to deliver a successful, joined-up approach.

Chaired by Kate Shone, Torus Foundation

Presentation from:

Russell Smith, Orbit

Day 2 recordings

All the sessions are available to watch again and presentations are available to download. If you have any questions or comments from the conference, please get in touch. 

Where do I start with social value?

Using examples from different organisations, we share some of the challenges, opportunities and approaches that they have taken in beginning their social value journey.

Chaired by Frances Harkin, HACT

Presentations from:

Abbie Peel, HomeGroup

Bryan Dando, Barrhead Housing Association

Ned Hartfiel, Prifysgol Bangor – Bangor University

Mark Forsyth, British Red Cross

The future of social value and procurement

This session discussed the challenges, opportunities and potential for social value in procurement to deliver real lasting impact in our communities.

Chaired by Andrew van Doorn, HACT and joined by Rebecca Rees, Trowers, Moira Skinner, ProcureCo & Clive Feeney, LHC

Social value in place: putting the Golden Thread into practice

How can we maximise the impact that we make locally, by working in partnership, by reviewing our impact and by continually engaging with local people?

Chaired by Stephen Burns, Peabody

Presentations from:

Mark Chadwick, Fusion21

Michelle Levi, Jacobs

Kelly Player, Hill Group

Social value, social housing and the residents’ perspective: a conversation

This session was a facilitated conversation providing space for residents to express their thoughts, perspectives and hopes for social value.

Chaired by Catherine Ryder, Placeshapers

Many thanks to:

Steve MacKenzie, Yorkshire Housing

Alison Hill, Clarion

Cindy Boa, Clarion

Katrina Wright, Teviot Estate

Create more impact

Social Value Insight

Model, monitor and measure – all in one place.

Accessed through our platform, Social Value Insight is the innovative tool which houses the UK Social Value Bank. It provides you with the support, advice and insights you need whether you are evidencing your social value for an ESG fund, monitoring the social value created through procurement or looking to improve your community investment services.

Your work with Communities

Giving you the evidence to confidently demonstrate and communicate the robustness of your Social Value approach to your stakeholders.
Through our expertise, we’ll ensure your data and the application of your social value measurement adds up. Providing a full report, along with the HACT certification stamp of approval, we’ll provide observations and recommend improvements to the way you measure social value moving forward.

Retrofit Credits

Combining social value and sustainability, Retrofit Credits helps social housing organisations to unlock retrofit funding by selling their carbon credits! Other organisations can then buy these credits to reduce their carbon emissions and contribute to local social value creation. Benefiting, providers, residents, communities and markets!

Connect with the speakers

Andrew van Doorn


Matthew Grenier

Business Development Director, HACT

Frances Harkin

Head of Services, HACT

Michael McLaughlin

Head of Social Value, HACT

Lara Phelps

Head of Customer, HACT

Arif Islam

Customer Relationship Officer, HACT

Graham Edgell

Group Procurement Director, Morgan Sindall

Mary-Kathryn Adams

CEO, Simetrica Jacobs

Rod Brasington

Chief Executive, Prosper UK

Alistair Merchant

Head of Commercial, Consortium Procurement

Corin Menuge

Social Value Lead, Peabody

Tom Beardmore

Marketing Director, Mount Anvil

Michael Cook

Head of Insight, Thirteen Group

Angela Corner

Head of Regeneration and Communities, Thirteen Group

William Hughes

Director & Sustainability Services Lead, Mazars

Anna Haskins

Senior Analyst, The Good Economy

Deborah Williams

Social Impact Manager, SNG

Stephen Passmore

Head of Knowledge, Future of London

Shelley Hathaway-Batt

Head of Strategic Partnerships and Projects, Clarion

Russell Smith

Social Sustainability Lead, Orbit

Andrew Cooper

Head of Partnerships and Funding, SNG

Connie Jennings

Director of Stronger Communities, whg

Kate Shone

Managing Director, Torus Foundation

Ned Hartfiel

Researcher, Bangor University

Brian Dando

Community Investment Manager, Barrhead

Mark Forsyth

Evaluation Manager, British Red Cross

Abbie Peel

Communities and Placemaking Manager, Home Group

Rebecca Rees

Partner and Head of Public Procurement, Trowers

Moira Skinner

Founder, ProcureCo

Clive Feeney

Group Managing Director, LHC

Mark Chadwick

Executive Director of Business Services, Fusion21

Michelle Levi

Director of Social Value, Jacobs

Kelly Player

Social Value Manager, Hill Group

and finally...

a huge thank you to the residents who joined us from Clarion, Yorkshire Housing and Poplar HARCA.

The last session from this year’s conference was invaluable in thinking about what delivering social value looks like in reality, and who it is really for. You can watch the session again here.

Hear about social value from residents' perspective

and finally a huge thank you to the residents who joined us from Clarion, Yorkshire Housing and Poplar HARCA

Hear about social value from residents' perspective

Let's talk

If you have a question, query or idea, we’d love to hear from you.

Get in touch