1 October, 2024

SFHA’s Fuel Support Fund Evaluation Report Highlights Over £37 Million in Social Value Created for Scotland's Social Housing Tenants

Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) in partnership with HACT, has released the evaluation of their Fuel Support Fund from 2021-2024. The report demonstrates the significant impact the Fund has had on social housing tenants across Scotland, generating over £37.5 million in social value, benefiting thousands of vulnerable households struggling with fuel poverty.

Administered by SFHA and funded by the Scottish Government, the Fuel Support Fund was part of a broader effort to address rising fuel costs exacerbated by the cost-of-living crisis. The Fund provided immediate support to tenants through practical measures like fuel vouchers, energy advice, and crisis interventions, while also promoting long-term behavioural change around energy efficiency.

Summary of impact delivered

Funds were awarded to 117 members of SFHA and across Scotland the housing associations involved delivered more than 80,000 interventions to residents in need. The report calculates a social return on investment of £5.39 for every £1 spent, reflecting the long-term economic and social benefits for communities. Direct support included 22,360 fuel vouchers, energy-efficient appliances and over £14,000 in financial aid for debt relief, energy costs and emergency assistance.

The phased approach of the programme delivered targeted solutions with phase 1 focussing on energy advocacy, phase 2 on introducing energy-efficient measures and phase 3 addressing crisis intervention and debt relief during winter months. The success of this wrap around and holistic approach is demonstrated by the significant social return.

Impact measurement such as HACT’s social value approach is a key way to measure the value of work across the social housing sector, and to gain insights into the impact of activities and interventions like the Fuel Support Fund. This is hugely useful to drive better understanding, resourcing and service delivery internally, and to leverage increased funding opportunities.

Michael McLaughlin, Head of Social Value at HACT, said:

“The Fuel Support Fund has proven to be a lifeline for thousands of social housing tenants across Scotland, especially during times of economic strain. Our evaluation shows how impactful immediate financial relief combined with long-term energy efficiency education can be. The £37.5 million in social value created demonstrates the immense benefit to individuals and communities.”

Housing Associations as Community Anchors

The report highlights the pivotal role of housing associations in delivering fuel poverty support. Positioned as community anchors, they provided a trusted intermediary between tenants and various support services. This approach enabled tailored interventions that not only helped tenants with immediate energy needs but also fostered long-term improvements in energy usage and financial well-being.

Gillian Duddy, Membership and Funding Manager, SFHA, said: “Our housing associations and co-operatives are on the frontline of tackling fuel poverty throughout Scotland’s communities, and they continue to provide lifeline support to their tenants.

“The Fuel Support Fund has been transformational to the lives of social tenants throughout Scotland during the cost-of-living crisis. I’m pleased that this report clearly shows the importance of direct and immediate interventions to reduce fuel poverty.

“Amid further increases in average energy bills, and as we head into winter, it’s essential that our housing associations continue to receive support to prevent tenants from making the impossible choice between heating and eating.”

A Continued Commitment

Both HACT and SFHA acknowledge that while much has been achieved, the work is far from complete. Fuel poverty continues to be a pressing issue for Scotland’s social housing tenants, and ongoing collaboration between housing associations, government bodies, and tenants is essential to achieving long-term, sustainable solutions. With so much help required for residents especially as the winter months draw closer, evaluating the impact of initiatives like the Fuel Support Fund is crucial to ensuring the benefits for residents are maximised.

SFHA Fuel Support Fund

Evaluation of Fuel Support Fund 2021-2024

PUBLISHED: October 2024


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