Mental Health and Housing Partnerships


It is now universally accepted that good quality safe housing and positive mental health are inextricably linked.

Our homes are a critical foundation in all our lives, physically and psychologically, and they are our primary location of care and support. Delayed discharge of individuals who are medically fit enough to leave acute settings is a long-term problem for the NHS. Collaboration is key to solving this problem.

With housing being central to the QTP’s objectives, providing the necessary infrastructure for delivering care in community settings and supporting the overarching aim of reducing reliance on inpatient services, makes collaboration even more critical.

Start the conversation and find out how we can help

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We have a strong portfolio of work, delivering a wide range of work including:

  • Collaborating with the NHS Confederation Mental Health Network to facilitate a Mental Health and Housing Summit culminating in a report for future action
  • Authored a Mental Health and Housing Strategy for Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust, Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust and South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
  • Written the first ICS wide mental health and housing strategy for the Sussex Health and Care Partnership and have supported its delivery through a dedicated housing workstream as part of the Sussex Mental Health Collaborative.

How we can help

HACT are a leading authority on the connection between the NHS and the Housing sector and are a key partner in the delivery of the Government’s MoU on Housing and Health. We provide support across a wide range of services to deliver this connection through collaboration including:

  • Consultation and development of strategic plans for housing
  • Pathway reviews (e.g., Rehab, Urgent and Emergency Care)
  • Deep dives and case reviews and business case development
  • Developing strategic housing frameworks and partnerships

Our Clients

We've worked with a wide range of ICB's and Trusts across the country to develop and support them at through their collaboration with Housing and other services providers to help improve patient outcomes.

Our clients include:

  • Dorset HealthCare University NHS Foundation Trust
  • South West London and St Georges NHS Trust
  • Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust
  • Sussex Health and Care Partnership


“People have a right to a home within their community,
able to develop and maintain relationships,
and get the support they need to live healthy, safe and rewarding lives”

HACT: Mental Health and Housing

Download our brochure to find out more about collaboration across health and housing and how we can support in starting the conversations.

Download brochure here

Case Study: Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust (SPFT)

Take a look at our strategic, long-term work with with SPFT, which helped to reduce discharge delays from 20-25% to 8-9% within the first year of the introduction of their collaboration.

Take a look

Housing for health:
Demystifying the world of housing

Discover the world of social housing and understand why working with housing would can help improve patient outcomes.


Watch the webinar here >

Published documents co-written by the HACT team

Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust – Housing and Mental Strategy 2019-2022

Mental Health and Housing: A strategic plan for integrating housing and mental health across Sussex

NHF Mental health & housing: Housing on the pathway to recovery

Let's talk

If you have a question, query or idea, we’d love to hear from you.

Start the conversation by getting in touch
Andrew van Doorn, Chief Executive

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