Connecting health with the housing sector

The connection between health and housing has never been higher on the agenda. We have a wealth of experience in the delivery of services that have increased integration between health and housing for the benefit of local people and communities.

We develop partnerships by being clear about the mutual purpose, building confidence and trust and promoting a culture of collaboration and shared learning.


Our sectors are most successful when we come together

Lets start the conversation

How we can help

Health services

As social housing organisations plan their future service provision, the question is how they can increase integration between the NHS and housing for the benefit of local people and communities. We’re here to support the sector in meeting this challenge.

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Housing services

As social housing organisations plan their future service provision, the question is how they can increase integration between health and housing for the benefit of local people and communities. We’re here to support the sector in meeting this challenge.

Find out more

Embedding social value in the NHS

Explore how a social value discovery project, like that undertaken by NHS London is an important step to embedding social value in the health sector.

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Discover what a health and housing collaboration can look like

Health & Housing Integrated Care Programme with the Black Country NHS ICB, whg and HACT

A showcase of the innovative collaboration across the Black Country, between the NHS Black Country Integrated Care Board, whg, a housing association in the Midlands, and additional local Housing Associations, on a programme of work curated by HACT, to look at how health and housing can come together for the benefit and improvement of the health and lives of individuals in the area.

Recent publications

Publications we have created in partnership with both the health and housing sector.

Health and Housing: Creating a blueprint for a new way of working

Healthy foundations: Integrating housing as part of the mental health pathway

Mental Health Supported Housing: Securing financial stability, supply and quality

Watch again

View our recent webinar series in partnership with GIRFT exploring the role of housing in adult mental health pathways.

HACT and GIRFT: The role of housing in the Mental Health Rehabilitation Programme November 2021

Exploring the role of housing in adult mental health pathways

HACT and GIRFT: Housing in the Adult Crisis and Acute Mental Health pathway

Exploring the role of housing in adult mental health pathways.

Read about our latest work

Embedding Social Value in the NHS

Explore how a social value discovery project, like that undertaken by NHS London is an important step to embedding social value in the health sector.

Unlocking the potential of social prescribing

How can a social prescribing program successfully improve the health and wellbeing of residents and lead to improved tenancy sustainment for housing associations?

How collaboration between Housing Associations and the NHS can help address workforce challenges

Peter Molyneux and Dan Charlton look at how Housing Associations and NHS trusts can collaborate to help address these workforce challenges.

Let's talk

If you have a question, query or idea, we’d love to hear from you.

Start the conversation by getting in touch
Andrew van Doorn, Chief Executive

Get in touch